Archive for the 'Creative' Category


Did you get the Virus?

So this a great little video..that you’ve probably already seen as it seems that most of the world has.

This video was emailed to me on Wednesday and by the time I emailed it around myself, 2-3 hours later, almost everyone I sent it to had already seen it.

This is a great example of how a little idea and a great little feel good story…and babies always sell…can go around the world in an instant.

So let’s get to the numbers:
12.5million views on YouTube :: as of today
The making of the video even had 1,533,659 views!

Did you notice the classic roller skating scenes from some movies in the ’70s and 80’s? ie. the jumping on the fence scene.

Not a bad site to cross-promote it and you know you’ve gotta have a Facebook page too.



Use your marketing advisory committee effectively

1133113_leader_2It is the way of the franchise world to have a marketing advisory committee help oversee and manage marketing outreach efforts. The ideal marketing advisory committee will help alleviate tensions between the franchisor and franchisees by providing insights into how local owners would like marketing dollars spent and effectively communicating the plans of the franchisor.

How is this working for you? Is your marketing advisory committee increasing or eliminating tensions in your organization?

I believe having a marketing advisory committee is important for all franchise organizations, but maybe it’s time for a paradigm shift in how this committee works. Instead of pushing information to them or pulling it out, try collaborating for better success. Here are some ideas:

1.    Test
One major issue between franchisees and franchisors are breakdowns in communication or ineffective communication tools. Often, great communication plans fall flat because they don’t work well. Holding Webinars no one is attending? Sending emails no one is reading?

Before you spend time putting a communication program in place, test it out with your marketing group. Maybe they are open to Twitter posts from the CEO on a regular basis. Maybe they are receptive to a LinkedIn group where they can review information. Maybe they prefer text-only emails that arrive at a set time each week. Test whatever style of communication you think might work on your marketing committee and work out the kinks before launching it to the rest of the company.

2.    Resource
Ask your marketing committee to be generators of information, not just filters. When they read interesting and unique articles or case studies, ask them to distribute them. If they have agreed to be on your marketing committee, it’s because they have a level of interest in this area. Make being a marketing thought leader one of their primary functions.

3.    Research
Most companies test promotions and products before embarking on a national campaign. How and where are you testing?

Consider using your marketing committee members to help. While they may not be in the geo areas from which you want the most feedback, getting them involved in research early on will make them an integral part of the decision-making process. It’s possible they have never been involved in a test program before – give them the opportunity to see how it works. The more research, the better. What’s a few more focus groups? And if you are not testing before launching a new product or service, now is the time to start. Use your marketing committee to help.

4.    Ideas
I am certain you have regular meetings throughout the year with all of your franchise committees. But what are you doing at those meetings? Showing them your new ideas? Asking for feedback on a path that you are currently going down?  Use your marketing committee for more than that. Use them to help generate ideas. I recommend you take them out of their normal environment and create an opportunity once a year for them to really get creative in the business of marketing your organization. Have some fun. Create a setting that allows them to open their minds to new innovations and ideas that haven’t been thought of yet. You may be surprised how incredibly helpful and creative your marketing committee can be.

Is your marketing advisory committee the gem of your organization or the thorn in your side? They should be the most valuable gem. If not, figure out a better way to use their experience and expertise to help promote the overall brand and message of your organization.

What great things are your marketing commitees doing for you? What wonderful ideas have they generated? Share your stories with us!


healthcare marketing, it should be about the patients

The one thing I have learned over the years is that healthcare marketing needs to be more than just about the doctors, nurses and technology. The doctors and nurses are (excuse the pun) vital, obviously. And the technology is what makes us all more hopeful today than we were yesterday. But the tricky thing about healthcare marketing is that people mostly want to know that your facility – hospital, clinic, office – with the people and the technology that comes with it, will make them or their loved ones better. It’s a challenging message to communicate, especially when you need to say it differently than your competitors.

Akron Children’s Hospital has a new campaign that is very subtle and effective in its messaging. The campaign features real patients doing what they do best  – being kids. See for yourself.

I like the campaign. I especially like this particular commercial because you can almost feel the hope jumping right off the screen. And if you have to go to a hospital, or if you have to take your children to a hospital, don’t you want to be in a place full of hope and happiness? I do. Don’t misunderstand me, I’ll still check the credentials, look for outcome rates and ask for references, but those topics don’t make for particularly compelling advertising.


Imagination is a beautiful thing

We’re keeping it simple today. We thought these LEGO® ads were cute, creative, clean and beautifully minimal.





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